Eng. 4358-3502A
Replacem ent Parts List
C o m m u t e r / Ve n t u r a /
H ig h Ba ck Bo o s t e r
In s t r u ct io n Ma n u a l
NOTE: If requested color is not available, similar color will
be substituted.
Quantity Total Cost
Crotch Strap/Buckle $5.99 X______= $ ______________
Harness Strap . . . . .$2.99 X______= $ ______________
Seat Pad . . . . . . . .$29.99 X______= $ ______________
Harness Retainer . . .$1.50 X______= $ ______________
Locking Clip . . . . . . .$2.50 X______= $ ______________
Top Anchorage (Tether)
Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$9.99 X______= $ ______________
Latch Kit . . . . . . . .$24.99 X______= $ ______________
Cup Holder . . . . . . .$3.50 X______= $ ______________
Instructions . . . . . . .$0.00 X______= $ ______________
This child
restraint is
designed for
use by children
Merchandise Total:
$ ______________
22-80 pounds
(10.1-36.3 kg)
Shipping and handling:
$ ______________
$100.01 to $150.00 . . . . .$10.95
$150.01 to $200.00 . . . . .$11.95
$200.01 and up . . . . . . . .$13.95
Outside Continental USA $10.00
Up to $25.00 . . . . . . . . . .$5.95
$25.01 to $50.00 . . . . . . .$6.95
$50.01 to $75.00 . . . . . . .$8.95
$75.01 to $100.00 . . . . . .$9.95
34-52 inches
(85.1-132.1 cm)
Sales Tax:
(Indiana, California,Arkansas, and Massachusetts residents add applicable
sales tax.
Grand Total:
$ ______________
No shipping and handling on instruction manuals on quantities of 6 or less.
Add $.50 for each instruction manual over 6, then add applicable shipping
and handhletaipncdsnoaeh6pgdbvu,piehAnldcpragtgsoeludnci5.rsh$fd06i..lqeNtuorapisfnaohpugistnirchtdsoagindl
Read all instructions
this child restraint.
Fill O ut For Credit Card
Card Exp. Date:______________________________
Cardholder’s Nam e:__________________________
Card Num ber : ______________________________
Signature: __________________________________
Failure to follow the warnings on the labels
and in the instruction m anual can result in
the death or serious injury of your child.
Para recibir las instrucciones en español, llame al
1-800-544-1108 o solicitarse por escrito al dirección por arriba.
Failure to follow these warnings can result
in the serious injury or death of your child.
To help you recognize those instructions
which are m ost critical for your child’s
Do not use cut, frayed or dam aged
Do not lubricate buckles and fasteners.
safety, we use this sym bol
Do not substitute parts or try to m odify
the child restraint in any way.
According to accident statistics, children
are safer when properly restrained in the
rear seating positions than in the front
seating positions.
Do not use a child restraint that has been
in a crash.You m ust get a new child
Never place a child less than one-year old
Use the child restraint only on vehicle
seats that face forward. Do not use on seats
that face the sides or rear of the vehicle.
Check vehicle instructions for m ore
inform ation about air bag/child restraint use.
Check the vehicle or LATCH belt before
each use. Use only if the belt can be
tightened properly and securely.
Make sure the harness height is correct
for your child’s size.
This child restraint should be securely
belted in the vehicle even when not in use. In
a crash or sudden stop, an unsecured child
restraint could injure other occupants.
The harness m ust be snug.
The vehicle or LATCH belt m ust stay
tight at the belt path.W hen you switch from
one m ode to the next, review the sections of
this instruction m anual that apply to that
m ode. If you don’t, your child could be
seriously injured or killed.
Do not use this child restraint if the
m idpoint of your child’s head is above the
top of the child restraint’s back.
Dorel Juvenile Group does not recom m end
the use of any child restraint accessories
except those recom m ended by DJG.
Never take your child out of the child
restraint or try to tend to your child’s needs
while the vehicle is m oving. Never leave
child unattended.
Never allow any child to play with this
child restraint; it is not a toy.
Do not use a child restraint with dam aged
or m issing parts.
Wa rm Wea th er Use
To avoid your child being seriously burned, take
the following precautions:
1. Park in the shade or where sun does not
directly hit the child restraint.
Secure the top anchorage strap (tether)
provided with this child restraint as specified
in both the vehicle and child restraint
m anufacturer's instructions.
2. Cover the child restraint with a sheet or blanket
when not in use.
3. Check for hot seat and buckles before placing child in
child restraint.
Do not rem ove any of the warning labels
or other labels on the child restraint.
Placing your child in a hot child restraint
m ay result in burns.
Registra tion a nd Reca ll Inform a tion
Child restraints could be recalled for safety reasons.You
must register this restraint to be reached in a recall. Fill out
the registration card attached to the child restraint or send
your name, address and the restraint’s model number and
manufacturing date to:
Read instructions for other warnings.
Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 2609, Columbus, IN 47202-2609
Attn: Consumer Relations or call 1-800-544-1108
You can now register your child restraint online at
card if you registered your child restraint online.
For recall information, call the U.S. Government's
Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-
424-9153), or go to http://www.NHTSA.gov.
Aircra ft In sta lla tion
This restraint is certified for aircraft use only when used
with the internal harness. Do not use as a belt-positioning
seat because aircraft seats do not have shoulder belts. Use
on forward-facing aircraft seats only and in a position
where the lap belt can be tightened securely.This child
restraint is installed in an aircraft seat the same way it is
installed in the vehicle.
Use the child restraint only with F.A.A. certified equipment.
Contact the airline prior to taking a child restraint on
board in order to comply with their specific regulations.
Un d ersta n d in g You r Veh icle
Your vehicle’s features may be considerably different than
those pictured here. Consult your vehicle owner’s manual
to help identify your vehicle’s specific features.
A.Anchor Bracket
For Top Anchorage Strap
(Forward-Facing Only)
D. Air Bag
(Consult your vehicle
owner’s manual for all air
bag locations)
B. LATCH Anchors
(In seat bight)
E. Seat Bight
(Where seat cushions
C. Seat Buckles
Ch ild Restra in t Pa rts
A. Pillow (Optional)
F. Buckle
J. Top Anchorage
(Tether) Strap &
M. Splitter Plate
B. Shoulder Belt
G. Harness Release
(m ay be between
pad and shell)
K. Instructions
C. Harness Retainer
H. Cup Holder
L. Locking Clip
(behind harness)
I. Harness
D. Arm rests
O. Shell
Adjustm ent Strap
E. Buckle Plates
Prepa rin g Ch ild Restra in t to Fit
You r Ch ild
You MUST m ake these adjustm ents with your
child before you install the child restraint in the
Ch oosin g Restra in t a n d Position
Your child’s height, weight and age determine how your
child restraint should be placed in the vehicle and which
restraint should be used.
Make sure LATCH belt
packaging is pulled free of
child restraint shell.
22-40 lbs. (10.1-18 kg)
34-43 in. (85.1-110 cm )
and Over 1 Year Old
Forward-Facing using
5-point harness
Child and child restraint face
the front of the vehicle and
are placed in the back seat.
Loosen harness by pushing
down on the harness
release lever while pulling
out on the harness.
40-80 lbs. (18.1-36.3 kg)
43-52 in. (110.1-132.1 cm )
and Over 1 Year Old
Belt-Positioning Booster
using vehicle
lap/shoulder belt
Press on harness retainer
release button and pull
com bination
Child and child restraint face
the front of the vehicle and
are placed in the back seat.
5-point harness is removed.
For either style “A” or
“B”, press red button on
buckle to release the
buckle plates. Place
harness over sides of child
continued on next page.
Place the child’s bottom
and back flat against the
child restraint.This will
increase comfort and allow
the harness to properly
To change harness
From the back of the seat,
remove harness from
splitter plate.
Pull harness through the
harness guides from the
Check Harness Height
Position: Harness guide
must be even with or
just above the shoulders.
Rethread harness into new
harness guide location.
Refasten harness to
splitter plate. Make sure
harness does not twist.
If the top harness guides
are below the child’s
shoulders, the child
weighs at least 40 lbs.
(18.1 kg) and is over 1
year old, convert the seat
to a belt-positioning
Failure to reattach the harness correctly
can result in serious injury or death.
Determine which set of
harness guide slots works
best for your child. Adjust
if needed.
Pull on harness adjustment
strap to tighten harness
Secu rin g You r Ch ild in th e Ch ild
Restra in t; Pu zzle Bu ckle Pla tes
NOTE: Depending on your model, follow the
unbuckling and buckling steps that matches your buckle
NOTE: A snug strap
should not allow any slack.
It lies in a relatively
straight line without
sagging. It does not press
on the child’s flesh or push
the child’s body into an
unnatural position.
Position harness straps over
the child’s shoulders.
Snap the harness retainer
Fit top buckle plate over
bottom buckle plate. The
connection should be flat.
Position the harness
retainer at mid-chest (even
with arm pits), away from
the child’s neck.
Hold buckle plates together
with one hand and buckle
with the other. Push buckle
plates into buckle until you
hear a “click.” Pull up on
harness to make sure
buckle is locked.
Failure to fasten and tighten the harness
system correctly can result in serious injury
or death.
Snap the harness retainer
Secu rin g You r Ch ild in th e Ch ild
Restra in t; Du a l Bu ckle Pla tes
NOTE: Depending on your model, follow the
unbuckling and buckling steps that matches your buckle
Position harness straps
over the child’s shoulders.
Position the harness
retainer at mid-chest (even
with arm pits), away from
the child’s neck.
Push each buckle plate
into buckle until you hear
a “click”. Remember to
always pull up on harness
straps to make sure buckle
is locked tightly.
Pull on harness adjustment
strap to tighten harness
NOTE: A snug strap
should not allow any slack.
It lies in a relatively
Failure to fasten and tighten the harness
system correctly can result in serious injury
or death.
straight line without
sagging. It does not press
on the child’s flesh or push
the child’s body into an
unnatural position.
Ch oosin g LATCH or Veh icle Belts
Th e LATCH System
Rem ovin g You r Ch ild From th e
Ch ild Restra in t
Press on release button and
LATCH means Lower
Anchor bars
pull apart.
Anchors and Tethers for
CHildren. Not all vehicles
manufactured before
September 2002 were
equipped with LATCH.
The LATCH system allows
a child restraint to be
secured in the vehicle
without using the vehicle
belt system and can ONLY
be used in vehicles that
have the anchor bars
For either style “A” or
“B”, press red button on
buckle to release the
buckle plates. Place
harness over sides of child
Check your vehicle
owners manual to see
which seating positions
may be equipped with the
LATCH system.
Veh icle Belts
Loosen harness by pushing
down on the harness
release lever while pulling
out on the harness. Remove
If LATCH is not an
option, you will use your
vehicle’s belts. In most
cases you will use the
lap/shoulder belt
combination. There are
some vehicle belts that
will not work with a child
restraint or will require
special attention. See
next page for specific
Manual Belts
Kn owin g You r Veh icle Belts
Manual lap belts are
common in the center rear
seat and can allow the
child restraint to loosen
when it is tilted or jarred.
After tightening the lap belt
securely, tilt and push the
child restraint forward and
to both sides. If no
Not all vehicle belts will work with this child restraint.
You must determine if your vehicles belts are compatible
with this child restraint. If you will use the LATCH
system, refer to the LATCH section.
ELR - Em ergency Locking Retractor Belts
Definition:These belts only lock in a sudden stop or
crash.To see if you have this type of belt, pull on the lap
belt, let it return part way, then pull on it again. If it
moves freely, it is an ELR belt and the child restraint
could work loose during normal driving. Refer to your
vehicle owner’s manual.
loosening occurs, your
child restraint should be
If loosening does occur, try
the following: If the buckle
plate slides on the belt,
turn the buckle plate over.
If the buckle slides, turn
the buckle. Refasten the
vehicle lap belt.The release
button should face out
after twisting so that it is
easy to reach in an
ELR shoulder belts either require a locking clip or
cannot be used with any child restraint. Note:You may
use an ELR lap and shoulder belt when using this child
restraint as belt-positioning booster; no locking clip is
Latch plate
ELR lap-only belts must be replaced with a manual belt;
contact your vehicle dealer. A locking clip will not
correct this problem.
Autom atic/Passive vehicle seat belts
Automatic (passive) 2-point belt has no lap belt.You
must install a lap belt to secure a child restraint.You may
also need to install an extra lap belt for an automatic 3-
point belt. Refer to the vehicles owner’s manual. A
locking clip will not correct this problem.
If the lap belt continues to
loosen, the child restraint
must be moved to another
location in the vehicle.A
locking clip will not
correct this problem; see
your vehicle owner’s
Twist vehicle seat belt and
latch plate (or buckle)
Vehicle belt too short
Contact your vehicle dealer for a seat belt extender.
Belts in center of the door or side panel (A) or
m iddle of the vehicle seat cushion (B).
You must move the child
restraint to another seating
location.A locking clip will
not fix this problem.
Failure to check and adjust the m anual belt
as described above can result in serious
injury or death.
See “Locking Clip” section.
Position locking clip about
1 in. (2.5 cm) from vehicle
belt’s buckle plate.
Lockin g Clip
NOTE: The locking clip is located on the back of the seat.
You do not need a locking clip when using this seat as a
belt-positioning booster.
Remove the locking clip when the vehicle seat belt is not
being used with the child restraint. A locking clip will not
fix all types of seat belt problems.
Before you put your child restraint in the vehicle, buckle the
lap/shoulder belt. Pull on the lap belt portion. If it loosens or
slips, you must either use a locking clip to hold the seat belt
tight or move the child restraint to another seating location.
Rebuckle belt. Lap belt
portion should now be
tight. If not, remove
locking clip and repeat all
Thread both vehicle lap
and shoulder belts through
the slot (as shown) and
out other side. Buckle.
Pull up on shoulder belt
until all slack is out and lap
belt is tight.
Grasp both vehicle belts
together just behind the
buckle plate and unbuckle.
NOTE: If the buckle plate
ends up behind the child
restraint, grasp the belts to
the outside of the child
restraint, as close to the
buckle plate as possible.
Thread both portions of
the vehicle belt onto the
locking clip.
Forwa rd -Fa cin g Use
Forwa rd -Fa cin g In sta lla tion
After deciding whether to use your Vehicle Belts or
LATCH, be sure to read the warnings below as they
pertain to both systems.
When LATCH is not
being used, fasten belt
hooks together behind
the child restraint as
Lap Belt
Lap/Shoulder Belt
Refer to the “Choosing
Restraint and Position”
section to make sure your
child is at the proper
weight and height.
Loose LATCH hooks can result in
serious injury or death.
Using this child restraint in any vehicle
seat where the lap or LATCH belts cannot
be tightened securely and properly or
where it can be loosened by pulling on it
can result in serious injury or death.
Check vehicle instructions for m ore
inform ation about air bag/child restraint
With weakest hand at
belt path, tilt and push
the child restraint
Forwa rd -Fa cin g In sta lla tion with
Veh icle Belts:
forward and back, and
from side to side. If the
seat belts do not loosen,
your child restraint
Place child restraint flush
against the back of the
vehicle seat forward-
facing in the back seat.
should be secure.
Thread the vehicle lap
belt or lap/shoulder belt
combination through the
belt path and out other
side. Buckle.
NOTE: Some “play”
from front to back or
about an inch from side
to side is acceptable. If it
moves more, review
“KnowingYour Vehicle
Belts” and “The Locking
Clip” sections.
Place one knee in the
child restraint and push
down firmly while pulling
up on belt to tighten. For
a manual belt, refer to
“Knowing your Vehicle
Belt” section.
Using this child restraint in any vehicle
seat where the lap belt cannot be
tightened securely and properly or where
it can be loosened by pulling on it can
result in serious injury or death.
After checking for hot
seat and buckles, place
With knee still in child
your child in the child
restraint as described in
the “SecuringYour Child
in the Child Restraint”
restraint, attach hook to
anchor in vehicle. Push
down firmly and tighten
top anchorage strap.
To adjust top anchorage
strap: See “Adjusting Top
Anchorage Strap”
If your vehicle does not have an anchor
bracket, tuck the top anchorage strap’s hook under
the child restraint.
Fasten one LATCH belt
hook to the anchor in
the vehicle seat located
in the vehicle seat bight.
Repeat for other side of
child restraint. See your
vehicle owner’s manual
for locations and more
Forwa rd -Fa cin g In sta lla tion with
LATCH Belt: In sta ll LATCH Belts
NOTE: Do not use
LATCH system along with
the adult lap or
lap/shoulder belt.
Route LATCH belt
through upper slot in side
of shell.
Place one knee in the
child restraint and push
down firmly while pulling
up on the loop to tighten
Pull one LATCH hook
across the back and out
the other side.
The LATCH adjuster can
be on either side, but the
belt should not be twisted.
Place child restraint flush
With knee still in child
restraint, attach hook to
anchor in vehicle. Push
down firmly and tighten
top anchorage strap.
against the back of the
vehicle seat forward-
facing in the back seat.
To adjust top anchorage
strap: See “Adjusting Top
Anchorage Strap”
continued on next page.
With weakest hand at
belt path, tilt and push the
child restraint forward
and back, and from side
to side. If the LATCH
belts do not loosen, your
child restraint should be
Ad ju stin g th e Top An ch ora ge
Stra p
The top anchorage strap is used for the forward-facing
position only.
Most vehicles made after 9/1/99 already have the
anchor hardware for a top anchorage strap. Refer to
your owner’s manual or call your dealer.
NOTE: Some “play” from
front to back or about an
Storage ofTop Anchorage Strap:
inch from side to side is acceptable.
Belt-Positioning Booster position: Place
top anchorage strap and anchor hook
under the child restraint.
If the child restraint does not remain tight, do not use
the child restraint in this seating location with this
LATCH system.
See pictures below and on next page to determine
which top anchorage strap model you have. Follow
applicable steps.
LATCH hooks MUST be securely fastened.
Failure to do this can result in serious injury
or death.
To Attach Top
Anchorage Strap:
Put knee in child
restraint and push down;
attach hook to anchor in
After checking for hot seat
and buckles, place your
child in the child restraint
as described in the
“SecuringYour Child in the
Child Restraint” section.
To Adjust Top
Pull loose
Anchorage Strap:
end to
To tighten; pull on free
end of top anchorage
To rem ove LATCH:
Press down firmly on
adjuster side of child
restraint and press release
button on adjuster to
release tension. Unhook
LATCH hooks.
To loosen; lift up on top
anchorage lock and push
lock toward top
Lift up to
anchorage hook.
continued on next page.
To Attach Top Anchorage
Strap: At the adjuster, unlace
free end of strap from right
side of adjuster slide and
loosen into “loops” (1). Put
knee in child restriant and
push down; attach hook to
anchor to estimate how
much you need, then unhook
Left side
Right side
Belt-Position in g Booster Use
Refer to the “Choosing
Restraint and Position”
sectionto make sure
your child is at the
proper weight and
To child restraint
height to use the belt-
positioning booster.
To loosen top anchorage
strap: With adjuster in hand,
pull the top strap (3) between
adjuster and child restriant to
desired length. Attach hook
to anchor, check fit, repeat
steps if necessary. You must
rethread the free end of
strap back down through
the right slot (5) or the
tether will not hold.
Lap/Shoulder Belt
Do not use LATCH or
tether strap when using
the Belt-Positioning
Tighten strap so “loops” are
gone and there is no slack or
To tighten tether: With
adjuster in hand, pull the top
strap (4) between adjuster
and hook to the desired
length. Attach hook to
anchor, check fit, repeat steps
if necessary. You must
rethread the free end of
strap back down through
the right slot (5) or the
tether will not hold.
Tighten strap so “loops” are
gone and there is no slack or
You MUST fasten the
LATCH belt hooks
together behind seat.
When your child is
over 40 lbs. (18.1 kg) or
43” (110.1 cm) and
over 1 year old, you
must remove the
harness and use this
child restraint as a belt-
positioning booster.
Loose LATCH hooks can result in serious
injury or death.
You m ust follow the threading diagram
exactly. Failure to follow these steps could
cause the strap to loosen in a crash, which
can result in serious injury or death.
From bottom of seat,
locate buckle’s metal clip.
Rem ova l of Ha rn ess
Harness m ust be rem oved for use as a
Belt-Positioning Booster.
From the back of the seat,
unfasten harness from
splitter plate.
Insert metal clip up
through the shell and pad.
From the front, pull
buckle free from shell and
pad. Lock buckle plates
into buckle for future use.
Pull harness adjustment
strap as far out as
Pull harness through the
slots from the front.
Unthread harness from
the harness retainer.
Unthread harness from
the buckle plates.
Pull harness out of shell.
Secure the shoulder belt
through one of the
notches in the shoulder
belt guide.The belt
should cross the base of
the child's neck and
across the chest (not the
face or neck). Pull up on
the shoulder belt to
Belt-Position in g Booster
In sta lla tion
Place child restraint against
the back of the vehicle
seat. NOTE: Tuck the
top anchorage strap and
hook under the child
Check periodically to
ensure your child has not
moved out of position
and loosened the
Place the child’s bottom
and back flat against the
child restraint.
shoulder belt.
Check vehicle instructions for m ore
inform ation about air bag/child restraint
Place lap belt across child’s
thighs. Lock buckle.
Do Not Use only the lap
belt when using this seat
as a belt-positioning
booster without the
internal harness.
NOTE: If your child
restraint has armrests,
make sure the lap and
shoulder belt are placed
under armrest as shown.
The shoulder belt m ust
always be adjusted snugly
across the child’s chest.
NEVER place the
shoulder belt under the
child’s arm s.
Failure to follow these warnings can result
in serious injury or death to your child.
Use only the vehicle’s lap and shoulder belt
system when restraining the child in this
booster seat. Failure to do this can result
in serious injury or death.
Thread the harness down
through slot on left side of
shell (1), across bottom of
shell (2) and up through
slot on right side (3).
Rein sta ll Ha rn ess
From the front of child
restraint push buckle’s
metal plate through pad
and shell. Make sure
buckle faces out.
Thread one latch plate
onto harness from back to
front (4).Thread the
harness retainer (5). Do
the same to the other
harness end. Make sure
the harness is not twisted.
Push harness ends through
upper slots in shell (6).
From underneath, pull
buckle’s metal clip through
pad and shell.
Fit loops on harness ends
onto the splitter plate.
Pull up on buckle to make
sure buckle’s metal plate
stops against the shell.
Failure to reattach the harness correctly,
can result in serious injury or death.
Failure to place buckle’s m etal plate
com pletely through pad and shell can result
in serious injury or death to the child.
Remove the 6 harness
guides (shown in red) by
pushing down on one edge
with one hand and pulling
out from the front side
with the other.
Rem ovin g Sea t Pa d for Clea n in g
Remove harness as
described in the “Belt-
Positioning Booster”
If your child restraint has
armrests, pull armrest
covers off armrests and pull
through hole in back of
Pull pad off shell.
Clean with warm sudsy
water, rinse clean and air
dry. Do not use bleach or
other harsh cleaners.
From underneath bottom
of shell, release the elastic
straps shown in red.
Replace seat pad by reversing order; lay pad on shell,
replace all harness guides, turn shell over to expose the
back, rehook elastic straps, and replace armrest covers.
Rethread harness (see belt-positioning booster section).
Trou ble Sh ootin g
In sta lla tion Tips:
1. If your child restraint is not held securely
When using the interal harness, the harness must be
positioned at or above the child’s shoulders.
by the belt:
Press down firmly on the child restraint and remove all the
slack in the belt. Make sure the belt buckle is not up against
the child restraint where the belt cannot be tightened.
Review Locking Clip section and Top Anchorage Strap
Section. If you cannot secure the child restraint tightly,
move it to another seating location.
When using the interal harness, make sure the vehicle lap
belt is locked.When you grasp the child restraint at the belt
path, it should not move more than about an inch side to
2. If the child restraint buckle or harness release
lever sticks or you cannot get the straps tight
enough around child:
DO NOT LUBRICATE. Check around buckle and harness
release lever for dropped food, sticky spilled drinks, dirt,
leaves, etc. Clean with warm water and/or remove object
with tweezers. If you cannot get the harness to adjust and
remain tight with the buckle securely locked, do not use the
child restraint.
3. If your harness twists or ropes:
Straighten the harness each time you put your child in the
seat to help prevent twisting. Lock the buckle and tighten
harness and it will be ready for next use.
4. In belt-positioning m ode, if your child restraint
is not held securely by the vehicle belt:
Remove all the slack in the vehicle belt. Make sure the belt
buckle is not up against the child restraint where the belt
cannot be tightened. If you cannot secure the child
restraint tightly, move it to another seating location.
5. In belt-positioning m ode, if the shoulder belt
crosses the child’s neck when using the child
Try moving the child restraint toward the center of vehicle
or move the vehicle seat forward or back. Check to see if
your vehicle has adjustable shoulder belt anchor points.
Do Not place the shoulder belt behind the child.
Wa rra n ty
Repla cem en t Pa rts Ord er Form
Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (DJG) warrants this product to the
original retail purchaser as follows:
Complete the form below. Your model number with color
code and manufacture date code MUST be included on the
form to ensure proper replacement parts. Your model
number with color code and the date code can be found on a
sticker on the side of child restraint. Payment in U.S. dollars
must accompany your order. Choose parts needed from the
list on the next page.
This product is warranted against defective materials or
workmanship for one year from the date of original purchase.
An original receipt is required to validate your
warranty. DJG will, at its option, provide replacement parts
or replace this product. DJG reserves the right to substitute if
the part or model has been discontinued.
Return the form with payment to:
To make a claim under this warranty you may contact us at
write to DJG, Consumer Relations Department, P. O. Box
2609, Columbus, IN 47202-2609, or call 1-800-544-1108 from
7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST Monday through Thursday and from
7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Proof of purchase is
required and shipping charges are the responsibility of
the consum er.
Warranty Lim itations:
This warranty does not include damages which arise from
misuse or abuse of this product.
Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc.
Consum er Relations Departm ent
P.O. Box 2609
Colum bus, IN 47202-2609
Fax orders to: 1-800-207-8182
Please make money orders payable to Dorel Juvenile Group,
Inc. Fill in the area below to charge to Visa or Mastercard.
We do not accept personal checks or Discover Card. All
outside of U.S. and Canada MUST use credit card.
Lim itation of Dam ages:
The warranty and remedies as set forth are exclusive and in
lieu of all others, oral or written, expressed or implied. In no
event will DJG or the dealer selling this product be liable to
you for any damages, including incidental or consequential
damages, arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
Lim itation of warranties and other warranty term s
and state law rights:
Any implied warranties, including implied warranties of the
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shall be
limited to the duration and terms of the express written
warranty. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long
an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations
may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal
rights, and you may have other rights, which vary from state to
state. Neither DJG nor the dealer selling this product
authorized any person to create for it any other warranty,
obligation, or liability in connection with this product.
Ship To (Please Print): ________________________________
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
State/Province:________________________Zip __________
Telephone: ________________________________________
Email Address:______________________________________
We MUST have this inform ation to process your
order :
Model Num ber (5 digits & 3 letters): ______________
Manufacture Date (m m /dd/yyyy): __________________
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